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Criminal Injury & Assault - Injuries from attacks and crime

Man Convicted of Murder in Scotland After Criminal Defence Trial

Posted in: Criminal Injury and Assault 

News from Scotland, where a man has recently appeared in the Glasgow High Court after the murder of a man in Peterhead. The man has received a life sentence, being told by the judge that he should serve at least 14 years for the crime.

The criminal defence lawyers representing the man had already represented him during an earlier trial at the Aberdeen High Court, where he was convicted of murder.

The man at the centre of the criminal trial, Gary Crossman, 31 years old, was convicted after evidence heard that he had assaulted another gentleman, Malcom Wright, in January earlier this year. The criminal assault was so severe that Mr Wright was left in a coma, eventually passing away from his injuries.

During the criminal defence procedure, it was heard that the two men had been friends, with both of them moving to the Peterhead area at the same time in late 2016. They had actually lived in the same house together before a disagreement saw Mr Crossan evicting Mr Wright from the shared property.

Details heard during the court proceedings relayed how on the 25th of January 2017, both men were drinking in the local town before returning to Mr Crossan’s house. During the early hours of the morning the next day, Crossan assaulted Wright after demanding money from him.

After the sentencing of Mr Crossan, a spokesperson for Procurator Fiscal for Homicide and Major Crime said:

“Crossan carried out a violent and sustained assault which left his victim in a coma and ultimately killed him. His actions demonstrated a complete disregard for human life towards somebody who had counted Crossan as a friend. We will continue to do our utmost to prosecute those who are willing to inflict pain and injury through violence.”

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