Leg Injury Compensation Claims – Broken Legs & Other Injuries

Injuries sustained to your leg can have a significant impact on your life, and can, in some cases, severely compromise your independence. At Accident Claims UK, our experienced team of personal injury solicitors are routinely sought out by people who have suffered a leg injury and in need of guidance for securing financial compensation.

We are well-placed, given our experience and knowledge of the law of personal injury, to guide and assist you in pursuing leg injury compensation to reflect the severity of your injury and loss you have suffered as a result.

To get started, simply call us now on our 24/7 Free phone number, and one of our experts can tell you whether or not you are eligible for making a leg injury claim with our solicitors. Calls should take no longer than 10 minutes, and if we believe that you are due compensation for a broken leg, or other injury then we will assign you a personal injury solicitor.

Leg Injury Compensation – Why Claim?

Taken together, your upper leg (from your hip to your knee) and lower leg (from your knee to your ankle) house different structures, muscles and tendons that provide much needed strength and support to your body. They also allow you to move freely without the need for assistance.

If you have suffered an injury to any part of your leg that wasn’t your fault, whether a strain or sprain, tearing of the ligaments or tendons, fracturing or breakage of a bone, or, in severe cases, amputation, then you may be able to raise a leg injury compensation claim.

Our solicitors are specialists in compensation for broken leg claims, as well as all other types of injury as described above, and have an excellent track record in helping UK residents to receive the justice that they deserve.

This is because the law protects people who suffer harm that wasn’t their fault. A personal injury claim for an leg injury allows you to receive a level of financial compensation to reflect the severity of your injury and loss you have suffered as a result of someone else’s negligence.

How Much Compensation for a Broken Leg Claims and Other Leg Injuries?

It is very difficult to determine broken leg compensation, or financial redress for other breaks, strains, fractures and so on in advance of a claim being brought.

How much compensation a particular kind of leg injury is determined on your own individual circumstances. Personal injury law treats every claim for compensation differently to reflect the fact that no two incidents that cause a leg injury will be the same. The level of compensation that you stand to receive will therefore depend on a variety of factors, including:

  • The part of your leg that is injured;
  • The severity of your injury;
  • Whether it involved broken bones or required amputation;
  • How long, if ever, it will take for you to recover from your leg injury;
  • The resources needed to facilitate your recovery; and,
  • Whether there will be an on-going disability and symptoms of pain.

Understandably, the more severe an injury, given the importance of your legs to your ability to live independently, the higher that any award for broken leg compensation is likely to be.

Leg Injury Claims – Compensation Amounts

The courts, in determining the level of compensation that someone who has suffered a leg injury is due, use a series of guidelines. Depending on exactly which part of your leg has been injured, and the gravity of your injury, the value of your leg injury compensation claim will vary:

  1. Uncomplicated leg fractures that do not present a great deal of complications in terms of recovery have been known to attract in the region of £7,000 and £11,000;
  2. Serious injuries to the leg, short of amputation, can attract compensation awards of £100,000;
  3. Instances where injuries to the leg are so severe as to warrant partial or complete amputation may attract compensation of between £75,000 and £215,000.

As well as a sum reflecting your injury, you are also able to claim for additional damages, such as loss of wages. This is particularly relevant to those people who were injured whilst at work.

Broken Leg at Work Compensation – What to Know

Many claimants that we help will have been involved in a work accident. Where you were hurt whilst working, there are certain aspects covering the law which you should be made aware of before contemplating making a leg injury claim.

  1. Any broken leg compensation will be paid for by insurance companies.
  2. Your employer will not have to pay the compensation and is covered by insurance.
  3. Employers cannot discriminate against employees who make leg injury claims.

With that in mind, we treat all calls with the utmost confidentiality. For more information, or to have any questions answered please call us today so we can give you the peace of mind required for a work related broken leg claim.

Broken Leg Compensation – How the Law Works

It is important that you are aware that personal injury law is designed to compensate for injuries that are caused to you because of someone else’s negligence.

If you have in any way contributed to your injury, either by not following a certain procedure or failing to pay the relevant level of care that would be expected of you, this can result in a reduction of the amount you would otherwise be entitled to.

How Do I Make a Successful Leg Injury Claim?

When it comes to claiming, whether you are wanting to know what the average compensation for broken leg claims are, or have suffered any other accident to your lower body, then the strength of your case will depend on the quality of the evidence you are able to provide.

With our solicitors support, you will need to demonstrate that someone owed you a responsibility not to cause you to suffer injury; that the same person failed to observe this responsibility; and, that this caused you to suffer your injury.

It is very important to be able to provide a detailed factual account of the circumstances surrounding your injury. You should be prepared for your version of events to be disputed, as there will in most cases be an attempt by a defending party to a compensation claim to avoid liability. It is only through the use of convincing evidence, which is presented by a persuasive advocate, that your claim stands the best chance of success.

In most cases, your injury will be the subject of examination and review by a medical expert. At Accident Claims UK, we will engage a specialist to analyse and provide a detailed account of the gravity of your injuries, including any long-term implications. This information will then be used to re-enforce the strength of your compensation claim.

Talk to the Experts

We understand that suffering an injury to your leg can be a very worrying experience. All of us are heavily reliant on our legs in order to live independently. Anything that affects their integrity can therefore have a disastrous impact.

If you have suffered, and would like to speak to a leg injury claims solicitor about raising a no win, no fee* compensation claim, please contact our specialist personal injury team today.

Our experience in working with clients who have suffered leg injuries in a variety of circumstances – at work, in public places, in road traffic accidents etc. – affords us a genuine insight and appreciation for the pain and suffering our clients endure.

We will use all of our knowledge and skill to ensure that you receive the compensation that you deserve. For professional, sympathetic and effective support making a legal injury compensation claim, please contact us today.

Contact Our Accident Claim Specialists Today

Call us on 01252354433^ to discuss your personal injury claim, or if you would like to contact Accident Claims UK online, please complete our enquiry form. We’re here to help.

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