Animal Injury Claims

Being injured or attacked by an animal, whether that’s a kick from a horse or a dog bite, or where an animal has caused you to have a road accident, can lead to injuries. In these cases you are eligible to make a claim for personal injury compensation. Our animal solicitors can talk to you today on a no-obligation basis to discuss a no win no fee* animal injury claim.

Our expert animal personal injury solicitors can help you with your animal accident claim today. Simply call us and tell us a little bit more about the animal attack and injuries that you suffered for a no-obligation discussion and estimate on personal injury compensation for you.

Animal Personal Injury Claims Compensation

In the unfortunate case where you have been bitten by an animal such as a dog, or have been injured in an accident whilst driving due to an animal – including items such as colliding with horses, or a deer running into the road – then there could be an animal accident claim compensation case.

In order for our solicitors and lawyers to assist you in winning compensation, then you will need to call us on our Freephone telephone number and supply us with as much information as possible. This will include items such as the circumstances surrounding the animal accident and injury, who (if any) person owns the animal, and any witness or police details taken at the time of the accident and injury.

Animal Injury Claims and Compensation

Our solicitors will then inform you of how much your animal injury claims could be worth, how it will progress, and how we can help you to reclaim any legal, medical or other expenses that have been incurred. For a free consultation please call us today or complete the animal injury claims form that you see to the right hand side of this web page.

What Animal Injury Claims Do We Cover?

Animal accident claims can cover such a wide range of circumstances that it’s impossible for us to list out all of the potential scenarios on this page.  However, what we have done is detail some examples of typical animal injury claims below.

In essence, any compensation claim for personal injury can be processed by our no win no fee* solicitors if you injuries were a direct result of contact by an animal, or the behaviour of an animal. This will include items such as dog bites, injuries at a zoo, animals in the road (such as horses and deer), or any dangerous animal that has harmed you or your child. Please note that we are also expert solicitors for child personal injury cases.

In most cases, it is the responsibility of the animal owner to pay for a compensation claim as they are legally bound under items such as animal bite law to make sure accidents of this type do not happen.

Why Make an Animal Injury Claim?

There are many reasons why you might need the services of our personal injury solicitors who specialise in animal injury claims. Here are just a small selection of reasons why you could and should seek a compensation award:

  • Physical injuries
  • Having to take time out of work
  • Potential loss of earnings
  • Medical treatment and associated costs
  • Damage to your car, van, or other property

If you have been injured, then you need time to recover and should not have to worry about finances.  This is where we can help because we will focus on recovering personal injury damages for animal accident claims whilst you take the time to get better.

How to Claim for No Win No Fee Compensation

Our phone lines and call centre is open 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week, meaning we are always available for you to talk to our solicitors and lawyers at any time you have an injury or accident with an animal.

Once you call us we will ask for details on your animal injury claim, and ask some very simple questions to determine whether the animal’s owner is liable to pay out damages and compensation. We will need to ask for medical documentation if you were treated for your injuries as a result of an animal attack or accident.

How Much Compensation Will You Receive?

This differs from case to case. It will realty depend on the extent of any property damage or injuries incurred.  Have the peace of mind though, that our animal injury claims specialists, lawyers, and solicitors will work as hard as possible to ensure you receive the maximum amount of compensation legally possible for your claim.

Different Types of Animal Injury Claims

Accident Claims Involving Animals in the Road

Animal Accidents Can Happen in the RoadSome of the accident claims we deal with involve animals and livestock that have managed to get out into the road, causing a road accident.  Farmers and livestock owners are legally responsible to ensure that their animals are securely kept, and road users are kept safe from accident and injury.

If our solicitors can prove negligence on the owner’s part, then this is a classic circumstance where an animal injury claim can be awarded. We will seek out compensation and damages for a personal injury claim in these types of scenarios.

Here is a little bit more detail on the type of cases that we cover. Be aware that the law surrounding personal injury involving animal bites, accidents, and injuries can be very complicated, but with us you are in expert hands.  These are some of the types that we have covered in the past:

Horse Accidents

You might have driven into a horse, a horse might have reared into your car, or ran across your path. Or you could be horse rider who has been thrown from a horse.  What we will do is help you to get the correct medical help needed, including recovery of any specialist costs. 

Dog Accidents

With millions of dogs in the UK, the occurrence of dog bites and animal injury claims are very high.  In fact, these are the most common cases that we deal with.  Call us now to discuss compensation as dog bite injury claims are typically quite quickly processed and resolved.

Cow Accidents

There tend to be two types of personal injury relating to cows; walkers being trampled, or cows escaping out into a road and being hit by cars. Even if we find that the farmer was not negligent or to blame, we can still explore different compensation routes to support you with your claim.

Supporting Animal Welfare Charities

As part of our commitment to improving the safety of UK residents, plus the welfare of animals, we encourage donations and support to a number of different charities in the country including the following organisations.

Animal Personal Injury Compensation

Contact Our Accident Claim Specialists Today

Call us on 01252354433^ to discuss your personal injury claim, or if you would like to contact Accident Claims UK online, please complete our enquiry form. We’re here to help.

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