Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Claims

Of all the work injury claims that we deal with, RSI, or repetitive strain injury, is probably the one that employer’s least take seriously. That should not be the case, though, as RSI can be very painful and have drastic effects on a person’s quality of life. Because of that, it is sometimes possible for our solicitors to claim for relatively large compensation amounts.

RSI Claims – No Win No Fee

Our no win no fee* solicitors help people claim repetitive strain injury compensation. Call our team today for a quick, free telephone consultation. We will be able to quickly tell you whether or not you are eligible for any damages or compensation amounts.

How to Claim for RSI Compensation

If you think you are affected, and would like to make an RSI claim then read our short guide below as to what the symptoms are. We will need to get you assessed by a doctor or medical professional in order to proceed with a compensation case. If you fit any of the specifics below and have not yet been diagnosed then please book an appointment now. For a full definition of RSI please visit the NHS website.

Once you have been diagnosed with RSI we will then be able to work with you on a compensation claim, providing that we can establish that the pain is due to your working environment. The types of medical conditions that make up RSI claims can include:

  • Carpal tunnel
  • De Quervain’s syndrome
  • Trigger finger

What is Repetitive Strain Injury?

RSI Claims Leicester
Those using computers in an office are common claimants.

Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is the medical term for damage to the tissues in the hand and arm area which occurs after repeated manual actions. This could be related to lifting heavy objects, typing, computer work, and workers in construction and the building trade.

The types of jobs, trades, and employment that will lead to repetitive strain injury will include the following types, although this list should not be viewed as comprehensive. Essentially if you have RSI and we can relate it to the negligence or fault of a third party then we can help you to claim.

  • Using computers or typing for long periods
  • Machine and equipment operators
  • Heavy lifting and manual work
  • Using vibrating tools, such as drills
  • Cradling a phone for long periods of time

Those with RSI can suffer from severe pain, and this can include a numb feeling, tingling, loss of strength, and other factors.  If you are suffering then contact our team now specialising in repetitive strain injury claims.

How Much for RSI Compensation Claims?

All repetitive strain injury claims will differ in the compensation paid out, as each person’s condition will be different in most cases.  It’s all down to how much pain and suffering you have, and financial losses that we can attribute to your RSI claim.

There are some rough guidelines though which we can share, but we will not be able to properly estimate your RSI compensation until we have spoken to you – so call now to get free claims guidance.

  • Full recovery inside of a few months – Up to £2,300
  • Pain lasting for up to two years – Up to £6,200
  • Long-lasting occasional pain – Up to £10,500
  • Unable to work, surgery and on-going pain – Between £10,500 and £15,000

Get Started Today with Our Solicitors Today

If you would like to find out where or not you are owed money for an RSI claim and you live or work then please call us today.  We will ask you a few simple questions and then tell you whether or not we can proceed on your behalf. It really is that easy – call us on 01252354433^ or contact us online using our enquiry form.

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