Accident At Work Claim

To make an accident at work claim you just need to call us now or complete the form on this page. You are eligible for compensation in many different scenarios whether you are employed full-time, on a temporary contract, self-employed on a contractual basis, and even if the injury happened when you were on somebody else’s business premises.

Accident at Work Compensation – If you would like a free consultation in complete confidence and privacy then please call our No Win No Fee* solicitors on 01252354433^. We have a Freephone telephone number with our call centre experts available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. They will assess your work accident claim and then put you in touch with a local accident at work solicitor.

Work Injury Claims on a No Win No Fee Agreement

All of our accident at work claim cases are handled using a No Win No Fee* agreement. This is also known as a conditional fee agreement. In simple terms it means that you don’t need to spend any money making a personal injury claim and are able to use our lawyers completely free of charge with no financial risk to you.

An Introduction from Our Work Accident Solicitors

We all hope to avoid suffering an accident at work. Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to completely remove the risk – most workplaces, whether they are offices, construction sites or factories, present a level of danger to the safety of the people who are working in them.

However, where you do suffer an accident at work and the fault clearly lies with someone other than you, you are legally entitled to seek financial compensation for your injury.

Accidents at work can have a devastating impact on people. Depending on their severity, you could to suffer a grievous injury that could require you to be off work for a significant period of time, undergo extensive medical treatment or even a period of rehabilitation.

In the UK, employers owe certain legal obligations to their staff. Where they fail to observe these obligations, causing you to suffer injury, then you should take some time to explore whether or not you are entitled to work injury compensation.

If you would like to make get started, please call our 24/7 helpline today. One of our specialists will quickly assess your case and will be able to tell you whether or not you are eligible to make a in injury at work accident claim.

Work Accident Claims: Example Scenarios

Whilst these are the most common types, a workplace accident compensation claim can be processed by us for any incident that resulted in a personal injury to you, where blame and responsibility can be attached to your employer or a third party such as a customer or co-worker. The types of work accident claims that you might want to talk to us about can include any of the following scenarios:

Typical Work Injuries

The injury at work claims that our solicitors have helped with in the past, currently, or have the ability to do, include, but are not limited to the following:

Worried About Claiming Against Your Employer?

Many people are often wary of pursuing compensation claims against their employer for fear that they will be dismissed as a result. It should be made clear that in the UK, you cannot be dismissed for raising a personal injury claim against your employer and you should not allow this to deter you from pursuing what you are legally entitled to.

At Accident Claims UK, we work together with you in order to investigate your particular circumstances to determine the strength of your claim, the chances of success and what scope there is for financial compensation. If you have been injured and would like to make an accident at work claim after an incident that was not your fault, then we may be able to help you.

How Much Accident at Work Compensation?

If you are considering whether or not you want to claim for an accident at work, it is understandable that you will want to know how much you compensation you are likely to be awarded if you case is successful. The level of compensation that you can expect will depend on several things, chief among them being:

  1. The gravity of your injury; and
  2. The steps your employer took (if any) in order to reduce the risk of your being hurt

However, it’s important to keep in mind that in personal injury claims of any kind, no two sets of circumstances will ever be the same. Financial awards for compensation are awarded on an individual basis, depending on the facts surrounding your claim and the severity of your injury.

Accident Work Claim for Compensation with Our Solicitors

Although every claim for an accident at work will be different, the law recognises that an injury to the body can have a varying impact on you, depending on precisely where on your body you have been injured. In turn, this also means that the level of compensation that is likely to be due to you will vary according to where you have been hurt.

In Scotland, England & Wales the levels of compensation tend to be based on a series of guidance notes which are subject to review from time-to-time, as well as the awards granted in similar cases.

Get an accurate amount on what you could be due you will need to call us. Your claim could be worth a lot more than you realise so please don’t take the first offer that you are offered by an employer or their insurance company.

It should be pointed out that in most cases, the employer’s insurer is the party that provides compensation payments. Employers are obliged to have a special kind of insurance in place for situations where their negligence causes their employees to suffer injury. It is from this that your payment will be made.

It should also be pointed out that your claim for financial compensation can include more than simply the injury that you sustained. While it is true that the injury itself tends to form a significant part of a compensation claim, there are additional bases for compensation that can be pursued, such as the financial loss that you have suffered as a result of your injury at work.

This can include the expense that you incurred in getting to and from hospital if your injuries warranted medical attention or the cost of any further treatment. Furthermore, you can also claim for any wages you missed out on because your injury prevented you from working.

Exactly how much compensation for an injury at work you could pursue depends on your own particular circumstances, and should be the subject of discussion with an expert legal team, who will be able to investigate your potential claim more fully.

A personal injury law specialist will not only help you build a strong case, they will also make sure you claim for all the loss you have suffered as a result of your injury at work – physical, financial and psychological.

In raising a personal injury action before the courts, there will be interest not only in your employer’s actions surrounding your accident, but also in your own.

If there is any evidence to suggest that you in some way contributed to your own injuries, e.g. by not following safety procedures that your employer had designed in order to protect against accidents, then this could have a detrimental impact on your compensation award. The courts will want to conduct a comprehensive review of the circumstances surrounding your injury, and will make their decision on compensation based on this.

Injury at Work Claim: Get Started

For there to be any real chance of successfully claiming accident at work compensation following an injury at work, you will need to show that your employer failed to observe their legal duties to keep you safe in the workplace. Legally, your employer is required to take ‘reasonable care’ for your safety when you working on their time. Essentially, this means that your employer must:

  1. Take the steps that would be taken by most employers to provide you with a working environment that is safe for you to work in; and
  2. Take into consideration the nature of your role, and make some attempt to provide you with the necessary tools and/or equipment to allow you to perform your duties safely.

It should also be pointed out that the nature of your employer’s duty to provide for your safety at work is general. In other words, it is not enough that they provide you with the necessary clothing or equipment in order for you to do your job, they must also demonstrate to you how to use them and how to observe good practice while doing your job.

Furthermore, keep in mind that employers are not only expected to provide for your physical safety at work, but also your psychological well-being too. However, this should not be misunderstood.

Your employer is entitled to expect that you may suffer a degree of mental fatigue in your job – as is common for most people. The situation will be different, however, where your employer has been made aware that you are particularly susceptible to mental exhaustion and has not taken measures in order to pre-empt this.

It is not uncommon for people to believe that their employer’s obligation to take reasonable care for their safety means that they must remove any and all risk of injury from the workplace. This is not accurate. Your employer is only obliged to maintain those safety standards that would be expected of another reasonable employer.

This is better understood to mean that your employer is not required to completely insulate you from the risk of injury while at work. They are only required by law to take measures to reduce the likelihood of your being injured so far as is possible in the circumstances.

Ultimately, the strength of your claim of compensation for work injury will depend on how strongly you are able to evidence the fact that your employer’s failure to take reasonable care in respect of your safety is the cause of your workplace accident and any injury you suffer as a result.

If you are able to show that your employer failed in their duty to you, then you may well succeed in your work injury compensation claim.

Accident at Work Claims: Are You Eligible?

Anyone who suffered an injury at work that wasn’t their fault can make a claim for compensation – the law is here to protect us if we suffer loss because of someone else’s negligence, such as our employer.

However, it is important to point out that a particular process needs to be followed when making work accident claims: the appropriate investigations need to be carried out in order to collate evidence that lends credibility to your claim and increases the likelihood of your receiving the maximum compensation.

It will be necessary to negotiate with the person you hold responsible for your injury, whether that’s you employer directly or their insurer; and, if court action is required, legal documents need to be completed and lodged with the appropriate court – and all of this must be done according to a strict time frame.

It is important that you work with an experienced personal injury solicitor who is regularly involved in pursuing compensation claims against employers following an injury at work. They will be capable negotiators, familiar with the court process and evidentiary requirements, and will be able to handle all aspects of your claims.

This will allow you to concentrate on recovering from your injuries, and take comfort from the fact that your case is being dealt with by a solicitor who is focused on protecting your interests.

Work Injury Compensation Claims: Amounts

While there will tend to be some degree of variation, we can separate out the different monetary values that the law, generally, attaches to claims for injuries at work for different parts of the body:

Injuries to the Head

If you suffer an accident that causes you to sustain injury to your head, then the consequences are potentially very severe. Our head protects one of the most important parts of our body, our brain.

Damage to it can result in an impairment of mental functions. It is for this very reason that the law can attach a particularly high monetary value for compensation following accidents that cause damage to it.

Depending on the severity of your injuries, compensation can be between £1,000 and £7,000. If, however, an accident at work has been so severe that your head injury has translated into some kind of brain injury, the compensation levels change drastically, with severe cases attracting up to £220,000 in compensation.

Injuries to the Upper Torso

The law is mainly concerned with injuries that are caused to your back or your shoulders. Both of these areas provide vital support to your head, and any damage to them could result in significant impairment.

These areas are particularly susceptible to injury where you are involved in lifting and moving heavy objections from one place to another, which could lead to tearing of muscle matter, trapping a nerve or significant damage to the bone.

Work accident compensation for injuries in either of these areas does tend to vary, with awards between £3,000 and £83,000 not being unheard of.

The important point to note, however, is that only grave injuries that have had a significant impact on you will attract higher levels of compensation for an injury at work claim of this type.

Damage to the Back

Injuries caused to your back can be very dangerous. Your back, or more specifically, your spine, provides the most support to the rest of your body. Any weakening or impairment of its stability could have disastrous consequences for your continued independence.

Regardless as to the work you do, your back is almost always vulnerable to injury – your being forced to move quickly or awkwardly in order to attempt to avoid injury could be enough to cause damage to it.

Back injuries, which are so bad as to alter your way of life, can attract up to £93,000 in compensation, while more minor injuries could attract between £7,000 and £20,000.

Injuries to the Arms, Wrists and Hands

Please note that any injury to arms, wrists or hands could have a noticeable impact on your ability to function independently, and may have long-term implications for your ability to work.

As with the neck and shoulder, injuries can vary from superficial tissue damage to irreparable severing of nerves resulting in a loss of use.

Work injury claims compensation for injuries to the wrists can reach up to £33,000 depending on gravity. The hands have a wide margin in terms of compensation: loss in use can be in the region of £34,000, while injuries that result in the amputation of fingers or otherwise can attract over £100,000. It is also important to keep in mind that damage caused to individual digits can also attract compensation.

What You Can Do to Support Your Case

Before we get started and pass you over to our specialist accidents at work solicitors we will need to do a quick consultation with you over the telephone.  We will ask you some very simple questions in order to get a little bit more detail about how the accident happened.  This will include items such as:

  • When and where it happened
  • How and what injuries were sustained
  • Details on medical treatment
  • Are there any witnesses?
  • Did you manage to take any photographic evidence?

Don’t worry if you cannot answer all of these questions immediately, as we are here to help you through this process and make things as easy as possible for you so that you have a successful case that leads to financial justice and solid amounts paid to you.

Accident at Work Compensation Calculator

We don’t have one. And there’s a good reason for that. All of our clients are different. We treat you as individuals, not numbers. It’s not until we get the full details on your circumstances that we can properly estimate, and it might be that we uncover further aspects that could result in a work accident compensation claim.

So with that in mind, if you are wondering how much you can claim after a personal injury at work then please ignore any injury at work claim calculators that you see online.

Accident at Work Compensation Calculator
Get accurate accident at work compensation claims numbers by calling us. Your claim could be worth a lot more than you realise.

The best and most accurate way in which you can get a realistic estimate on payouts for a work accident claim is to talk directly with one of our solicitors or lawyers.  They work on a no win no fee* agreement and will endeavour to get you the highest pay-out possible.

Accident at Work Solicitors: Why Choose Us?

Accident Claims UK is a leading provider of personal injury legal services. Our solicitors are highly experienced in claiming for all injuries sustained at work, ranging from minor sprains and bruising through to chemical accidents, brain injury and paralysis.

We take pride in placing our clients at the heart of everything we do and will ensure that you are fully informed of the legalities surrounding your claim, and the scope for success.

You will also be regularly informed on the progress when claiming for your accidents at work, and will be given full control over any and all action that our work injury solicitors take.

To find out more about how we can help you, contact our team at Accident Claims UK today on our helpline number at the top of the page. Alternatively you can complete the form that you also see on this page for a call back from our accident at work solicitors.

Additional Information on Your Employer’s Legal Obligations

When it comes to training, employers are also legally obliged to offer this in certain circumstances as a way in which to reduce the chances of an accident at work.  For example, has your employer asked you to lift heavy items in the workplace?

If yes, then you should have been supplied with adequate training.

Were You Issued With Adequate Safety Clothing and Equipment?

It doesn’t stop there though.  Businesses where risks are commonplace (for example we deal with many building and construction site accident claims) should be supplied with clothing and protective items that are fit for purpose, and are the correct size for the employee.

This will include items such as:

  • Eye protection equipment (goggles and protective glasses)
  • High visibility and fluorescent (hi-vis) clothing or jackets
  • Helmets or hard hats (including ear defenders if relevant)
  • Face and respiratory protection such as dust masks
  • Adequate limb protection including boots and gloves

If you were not correctly kitted out with the right safety equipment then that’s an immediate concern in an injury as it should qualify you better.

Injuries at Work Caused by a Fellow Employee

Accident at work claims don’t have to involve negligence by your employer.  They can also be pursued if the injury was the fault of one of your fellow employees.

As with all work accident claims, any compensation will be pursued against the employer’s liability insurance policy if you have concerns over bringing legal action against a colleague.

Employer Liability Insurance

The basis for any workplace accident claim concerns fault.  If our solicitors believe that a third party’s negligence was directly responsible for any injuries that you suffered, then you are eligible to apply and can employ the services of our personal injury solicitors.

Accidents don’t have to happen in your own place of work to be eligible, as compensation can also be sought for cases which occurred when visiting another business premises.

All employers have to have something called Employers Liability insurance.  This insurance is designed to pay for any compensation arising from injuries at work.  The insurance company will be the body that we bring our action against, as their insurance has been set-up specifically to pay for this type of legal action.

In simple terms, any claim will not be brought against the employer, but against the insurance company.

Get Started Today

Call us now and speak to a trained and specialist experts on our helpline. After a few minutes we should be able to tell you whether you are eligible. If you are then you will be assigned a work accident solicitor.

They will examine and review the details and start the legal process off, with the aim of getting an out of court settlement which is what happens in most cases.

Please be aware, that with any personal injury claim there are time limits in place within which you need to make a claim.

Contact Our Accident Claim Specialists Today

Call us on 01252354433^ to discuss your personal injury claim, or if you would like to contact Accident Claims UK online, please complete our enquiry form. We’re here to help.

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