Industrial Injury Compensation

If your health and well-being has been affected by either an accident at work, or the conditions in which you work in, then you should be eligible to claim for industrial injury compensation. Our solicitors and lawyers are very experienced in helping you to receive the most amount of compensation for your industry injuries claim. They work on a no win no fee* agreement.

Make No Win No Fee* Industrial Injury Claims – If you have been involved in an industrial accident or been injured during the course of your employment then call us now. You will have a personally assigned industrial injury solicitor assess your claim and guide you on compensation amounts. 

Industrial injury claims are now very frequent in the UK workplace. They can range in seriousness from a small cut all the way through to fatal injuries and deaths. Believe it or not, though, only 10% of people affected in the UK actually go as far as to make industrial injury claims. Don’t be left out. Claim for compensation today and stand the best chance of success with our solicitors.

Different Types of Industrial Injury Compensation

We’ve listed below some of the more common types of industrial injury claims that we have dealt with down the years successfully. This list is by no means exhaustive, so if you are unsure as to whether your employer has a case to answer then please call us today.

UK Statistics on Industrial Injury Claims
Statistics from the Health and Safety Executive showing non-fatal injury amongst people who have worked in the last 12 months.

Industrial Injury Compensation

Industrial Disease Claims

For more information on this category please read our industrial disease compensation page which contains more information and details on the exact procedures our solicitors and lawyers will follow in these instances.

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

RSI is becoming more and more common in the workplace.  It relates to a number of different conditions including these three main areas:

  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

We work on behalf of many clients who work in different types of industry as RSI injury claims can effect office based workers plus those working in the industrial sector. Symptoms of this injury include signs such as numbness, tingling sensations, cramps, and weakness in fingers, wrists, and limbs. Without doubt one of the most common industrial injury claims in the UK.

How to Claim for Industrial Injury Claims

If you do decide to let us work with you to claim for industrial injury compensation then you are in safe hands. Our industrial injury solicitors are experts at handling your case as they have many decades of experience in winning industrial injury compensation and an in-depth knowledge of the health and safety regulations governing these kind of accidents.

An industrial injury at work will only be liable for compensation if our lawyers can attach blame for the work accident to your employer. Once that has been established and agreed they will seek a monetary payment (or payments) that compensate for loss of earnings, pain, suffering, inconveniences, expenses, and more.

To get started, or even if you are unsure, then please call our Freephone number today and speak to an industrial injury claims specialist who can guide you on the next steps in the industrial accident claims process.

Industrial Injury Compensation Calculator

You might see websites online which profess to be able to give you an instant online quote for industrial injury compensation amounts. We don’t subscribe to that way of working because every industrial accident claim is very different.

Don't Use Industrial Injury Compensation Calculators
Call us for an accurate quote on how much compensation you could receive for industry injury compensation.

If you call us now, one of our industrial injury solicitors will be able to get the details on your injury and accident and give you a valuation for compensation that is much more accurate.  Many times it will be more than an online industrial injury compensation calculator said you might receive, so we recommend the personal approach. We have another webpage on the site also dedicated to our views on how people should not use an accident at work claim calculator.

Typical Industrial Injury Compensation Amounts

Industrial accident compensation has no low or high threshold has every single case that we deal with is entirely different. Classic scenarios have ranged from a couple of thousand pounds to hundreds of thousands of pounds depending on the circumstances and severity of the industrial accident claims that we work on.

About Our Industrial Injury Solicitors

The industrial disease solicitors that we work with are renowned having a plain-talking approach to your personal injury claim. They have many years of experience in helping people claim for industrial injuries compensation and endeavour to make sure that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible, with the best possible outcome for our clients. They can also offer practical guidance on how to get the best from Government Disability Allowance, and will guide you through the process of  making sure you don’t miss any valuable support.

As industrial injury lawyers they are amongst the most experienced in the country and all work on a no win no fee* agreement.

Useful Links Regarding Industrial Injury

People who have been affected by an industrial at work are able to get various different aspects of support for both them and their family. This can include Government funded disability allowance for those affected by industrial disease which can supplement any industrial accident claim for compensation. Here are some useful links.

Industrial Injury Claims Support Groups

Contact Our Accident Claim Specialists Today

Call us on 01252354433^ to discuss your personal injury claim, or if you would like to contact Accident Claims UK online, please complete our enquiry form. We’re here to help.

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