Football Injury Claims

With nearly 2 million people playing football every week in the UK, it’s common that injuries can occur. Whether due to a reckless challenge on the pitch, or even an assault – it can be a life-changing occurrence. That’s where we can help. Read on to find out more on how we help clients win compensation for football injuries on a no win no fee* basis.

Claim for Football Injury Compensation – If you have been injured whilst playing sport in the last 3 years then you can make a claim for personal injury. To get started phone our Freephone number to speak to a specialist in sports injury claims who will be able to offer you free guidance today in order to start your claim.

Can I Claim Compensation for a Football Injury?

Yes you can, and this is one of the most common injuries in sport and we have many compensation requests due to the sheer amount of people in the UK who play football regularly. Many clients have come to us to make football injury claims, and we have a very high success rate in helping people to get the money that they deserve for these types of injury. A personal injury claim for football is far more common that you might think so get in touch with us today.

No Win No Fee Football Injury Claims

If it has happened to you then you need to work with an accident claims team who understand the sport and have a track record of winning cases of this nature – and that’s us to a tee. We assess each case individually, and then look to claim for loss of earnings, injuries, emotional hardship, and any other costs and expenses you might have incurred – and all on a no win no fee* agreement so you have no financial risk.

Football Injury Claims for Compensation

Our solicitors love football just as much as you do, which is what makes us excellent partners for all football injury claims. Recently we have sponsored local football events and attended many of the different celebrations around the United Kingdom for the 150th Anniversary of the Football Association. Here’s one of our favourite videos from the celebrations

How Do Football Injury Claims Happen?

No matter how much care and attention you take on the pitch, accidents can happen. Sometimes it’s through no fault of your own, but from time to time you could be the victim of a malicious challenge that might have been unintentional to hurt you, or in worst cases a deliberate action. If this has happened to you, then you have every right to claim football injury compensation from your opponent and their team.

We will fight your corner and have won countless cases already for those playing football.  We have partner solicitors who understand the game, the passions, and the injuries that can occur whilst out on the pitch.  We know what action to take and the legal processes that are involved to have the highest chance of success – usually without the need to go to court either.

If you have been injured whilst playing football and feel you have a compensation case, whether it was a Sunday league game, semi-professional, or in a professional footballer capacity, then we are here to help you with your sports injury claim compensation if it was through no fault of your own. We are also specialists in rugby injury and accident compensation.

What Types of Football Injury Compensation Can You Claim For?

Whilst we all understand that playing football comes with its inherent risks, nobody should have to suffer mentally, physically, or financially from someone else’s recklessness. It’s not always a tackle that can cause a football injury though – here are just some examples of where we have helped to claim for football personal injury compensation for our clients.

  • Badly maintained pitches leading to injuries, typically ankles and legs
  • Glass on the pitch leading to a cut or more serious damage
  • Reckless and dangerous tackles resulting in broken legs or fractures
  • Chemicals on the pitch which have left burns on the skin
  • Bad coaching instructions leading a football-related injury claim
  • Injuries as a spectator in a poorly maintained stadium
  • Violent behaviour, assault, and riots by own team mates or opposing players and fans

As you can see, football injury claims can happen in varying circumstances, all of which we are more than happy to help you resolve financially.  We also specialise in gym injury compensation claims should you wish to discuss those.

Football Playing Injuries
Football injuries happen at any level – image copyright

Can I Claim for a Football Injury?

One of the more common questions that we get asked is whether or not amateur or semi-professional players can claim for football injury compensation.  Recently we were asked whether or not it was possible to make a claim due to a Sunday league football injury.

Here’s some background to the question we were asked: the Sunday league football player was kicked in the head and had to undergo surgery for various injuries including broken teeth and bones resulting in metal plates and wires being inserted.

The answer isn’t entirely straight-forward, so we would always suggest that you call our claimline in order to get an assessment quickly and professionally. However, this is the guidance that we would offer.

In the first instance, most Sunday football leagues and football clubs will have insurance policies to cover public liability accidents and football injury claims.  This could mean that the player will be able to claim against that insurance policy.  In this case, it’s not a football injury claim on a fault basis as the player won’t have to prove that someone else was to blame.  It’s very similar to how other insurances work, such as for your house or car.

However, as you will probably know from personal experience it’s not always as easy as that to get the full amount of compensation that you feel you are due to insurance loopholes and limitations.

The other option for people wanting to know “can I claim for a football injury” is to seek damages against the player or club responsible for the injuries.  We can assist and support you in making a football injury claim of this type using our experienced personal injury solicitors, and we will connect you up with one local to you in most cases.  Before we do that though we will need to speak to you on the telephone to see if there is a case to answer.

Football Head Injury Claim
Head injuries are common when playing – image copyright

Making a Compensation Claim for a Football Injury

We’ve already explained a little bit about how we work, but here’s some additional information should you want to know more about football injury compensation claims.  Basically the process is just the same as any other personal injury claim, and you don’t need to be playing professionally in order to start the legal process.

It should be a simple process, and if you were injured due to another football player’s negligence, malevolence, a late tackle, or the state of the pitch, then you may be able to make a claim for compensation on football injury claims.

Our personal injury solicitors are familiar with sporting injury cases, and know all about the inherent risks involved in playing contact sports.  Having said that, football injury claims can be very complex from a legal perspective which is why we suggest that you work with our specialists on a claim.

Collect as Much Evidence as Possible

If you’ve ever used a personal injury solicitor before you will know that they like to have as much evidence as possible.  So as an example, if there’s video of the event make sure you have it, take photos of your injuries, gather witness statements, get a photo of the pitch if that was to blame – put in simple terms: the more evidence you have, the more chance of winning the compensation claim.

Football Injury Claims: Example Cases

Below are a small selection of example personal injury claims cases resulting from injuries whilst playing football.

Example Case #1 – Player Slips on Water During 5-a-Side Match

The client was playing five a side football indoors at the local sports centre.  The sports centre was aware that they had an issue with water dripping onto the court from pipes in the ceiling, although the players were not.  As a result there was a pool of water on the indoor football pitch.

During the game, the client was running down the pitch with no other people anywhere near him when he hit the water patch.  Because he was wearing grip trainers, his leading foot slipped in the water, whilst his back foot remained static… he ended up with a fractured tibia and fibula.  He was admitted to hospital and had plates inserted to support the fractures and was unable to walk for some time.

Due to the injuries, pain, suffering, and time off work involved, the player was able to claim for football injury compensation and received a large compensation payment.

Example Case #2 – Sunday League Player Assaulted

In the second case, a client was assaulted in a Sunday league match by an opposition player, resulting in a fractured eye socket and severe facial injuries.  The opposing player was sent off, the client was hospitalised for treatment.

Due to video evidence and witness statements, a football injury claim was processed against the opposing club and player, as well as criminal proceedings.

Support with a Football Injury & Recommended Charities

There are a number of charities that are specifically set-up to help sports men and women in their rehabilitation from sporting injuries including football related ones. We are pleased to recommend the following charities and will dicuss these during the football injury claims compensation process.

Football Injury Compensation

Contact Our Accident Claim Specialists Today

Call us on 01252354433^ to discuss your personal injury claim, or if you would like to contact Accident Claims UK online, please complete our enquiry form. We’re here to help.

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