Industrial Hearing Loss Compensation

If you are looking to make an industrial hearing loss compensation claim, then contact us now to find out how much your claim could be worth, and how we can help you. All industrial hearing loss claims will be different, but with us, you are in safe and experienced hands as we have successfully claimed thousands for our clients.

How Much Compensation for Industrial Hearing Loss?

If you have suffered with loss of hearing due to your current working environment or because of your previous occupation, then the first thing we suggest you do is contact us to proceed with an industrial hearing loss compensation claim.

Hearing loss due to industrial noise can have a wide variety of impacts, from both ears, to tinnitus to a complete loss of hearing. Below is a very rough compensation guide for industrial hearing loss claims. Please note that every compensation case that we deal with is different. But, if you use our industrial deafness solicitors **, then you should stand the best chance of receiving the maximum award possible under UK law when claiming for industrial deafness.

  • Total industrial hearing loss with no hearing in either ear: £50,000—£70,000
  • Total hearing loss in just the one ear: £17,000—£30,000
  • Serious tinnitus and hearing loss: £8,000—£15,000
  • Minor hearing loss or minor tinnitus: £4,000—£7,000

Essentially, compensation comes down to the severity of the industrial hearing loss and what effect that has had on the person pursuing the claim. Please note that these are just guidelines based on previous cases of compensation for industrial hearing loss that we have helped to resolve. All compensation claims and the circumstances of the hearing loss will be different depending on the claimant.

Guidelines for an Industrial Hearing Loss Claim

Our workplace injury experts have also compiled some a short guide, which can help people suffering from tinnitus and industrial hearing loss. We would also recommend connecting up with the many support groups and charities that specialise in this field.

Tips for Hearing Loss with Home and Family

  • Try not to avoid friends and family because you can’t hear properly
  • Do manage the environment that you are in to compensate for hearing loss
  • Try to get closer to people when they are talking to you
  • Look to eliminate distracting noise such as open windows, TV, radio
  • Lay carpet down on hard floors as the noise won’t echo as much

Tips for Hearing Loss at Work and Industry

  • Ask your employer to increase lighting so you can read facial expressions
  • Ensure that your chair is not facing into the light
  • If industrial hearing loss is just one ear, then re-position your chair

General Tips for Coping with Industrial Hearing Loss

Industrial hearing loss compensation can help you spend money on the things that will let you adjust to life with deafness. However, here are some other things you can do in everyday conversation to improve your quality of life:

  • Try to watch the mouth and facial expressions of people you are talking to
  • Pay close attention to what people are saying
  • Learn about speech reading so you can pick up visual clues if needed

What Can Industrial Hearing Loss Compensation Get You?

If you are successful in the industrial hearing loss claim process then you will need to pay for various hearing loss devices and hearing aids. Remember to always keep up with regular visits for hearing tests, as industrial deafness can worsen over time. You might need to adjust the type of aids that you use – your solicitor ** will be able to guide you further for your own circumstances.

Contact Our Accident Claim Specialists Today

Call us on 01252354433^ to discuss your personal injury claim, or if you would like to contact Accident Claims UK online, please complete our enquiry form. We’re here to help.

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