Fingertip Amputation Compensation: Lost Tip of Finger Injury Claims

Losing a fingertip is a shocking event, and the implications can be very serious. Our solicitors work on a no win no fee* agreement for clients who wish to claim for fingertip amputation compensation, and you can take advantage of a free phone consultation by calling us now.

Suffering from a lost tip of finger can have serious consequence after an accident. Whether it happened in an injury at work, in a car accident, the home, or a public place, then you could be due some form of compensation.

Any form of amputation can also lead to psychological suffering, and our solicitors seek compensation for that as well as time of work, medical expenses, and other associated costs.

Whilst fingertip amputation claims are not as high-paying as full finger amputation cases, it is still possible to receive a considerable compensation amount depending on the circumstances of the accident and where it occurred.

Lost Tip of Finger Compensation Amounts

In the UK, lost fingertip claims in the workplace can fetch between £2,500 and £13,500, but our solicitors cannot give you an accurate figure until such time we have been able to consult with you. The way in which compensation is calculated is based on the following information and detail:

  • The extent of any amputation
  • The finger/s affected
  • The extent of any cosmetic disfigurement
  • The extent of any loss of sensation in the affected fingers or thumb
  • The level of treatment required
  • The length of time taken to recover
  • The extent of any permanent or recurring pain

Call Now for a Free Phone Consultation

To get started simply call our helpline number. Once you do that one of our specialists will ask a few simple questions of you and based on that will be able to assign you a personal injury solicitor who can specialize in a fingertip amputation claim.

In the majority of cases, any claim for compensation after the losss of a fingertip will be settled outside of court, and typically settled by the insurance company that your employer has.

For a wider view on finger injuries and the processes involved, please visit this larger section on our website which goes into far more detail on finger injuries.

Contact Our Accident Claim Specialists Today

Call us on 01252354433^ to discuss your personal injury claim, or if you would like to contact Accident Claims UK online, please complete our enquiry form. We’re here to help.

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