Cycling Injury Compensation

We are specialist solicitors and lawyers who deal with hundreds of bike accident compensation claims every year and will tell you straight exactly how much you can claim for and will handle the entire process for you so you don’t have to on a no win no fee* basis.

Claim for Bicycle Accident Compensation – we offer no-obligation guidance for cyclists who have been involved in a road traffic accident. Simply call our Freephone number on 01252354433^ now to talk to one of our accident claims experts who can guide you on whether you have a compensation claim you can proceed with.

If you have had an accident whilst our on your bicycle and bike, then please do get in touch with us. We can assist you with claiming for cycling accident compensation whether it occurred on a pushbike, tandem, mountain bike, tricycle, or even a unicycle! Just because you don’t have insurance like car drivers do, it doesn’t mean that you can’t get money for your injuries.  That’s where we can help you.

As cycling accident claims specialists, we understand that as a cyclist you are actually much more likely to be involved in an accident whilst on the road, than any other road user. In fact, the latest statistics show that cyclists are up to ten times more likely to be hurt on the road – and most of the time it is due to the fault of another motorist such as a car or lorry driver.

Our Cycling Accident Compensation Solicitors Help You

Once you have phoned us and told us about your accident we will put the wheels in motion to make sure that you can be put onto the fast-track for the maximum amount of compensation for you bike accident. This is how we work:

  • We will support you in making a claim for bicycle injury compensation from start to finish
  • We will investigate the accident and talk with police, witnesses, or review CCTV film
  • We will look to get your bicycle repaired or replaced including other equipment damaged
  • We will get an independent medical assessment of you injuries to help the compensation claim
  • We will act as your representative to get the most cycling accident compensation possible

In most case, the accident will not have been your fault, so please don’t think that you are alone. The law is on your side when it comes to personal injury claims of this nature, and our lawyers are experts at gathering the correct evidence and presenting the claim back to stand the best chance of winning the most bicycle accident compensation – and we work on a no win no fee* basis so you don’t have to pay us a single penny to represent you.

Statistics on Cycling Accidents

As we mentioned, it can be dangerous being out on the road on your bike – the BBC recently reported that cycling isn’t as dangerous as it once was… but that’s no real comfort for a cyclist involved in an accident.  We’ve compiled some statistics from accidents for cyclists – and believe it or not, a very large percentage of these people didn’t take the time to investigate cycling accident compensation as you are today, so could have made their recovery process a lot easier and more comfortable if they have called  Accident Claims UK.

Bicycle Accident Compensation
Statistics on cycling accidents – and not all led to a bicycle injury compensation claim.

It is worth noting though, that the amount of miles being cycled annually by cyclists in the United Kingdom has also dropped over the same period as you can see from the graphic below that was produced by the BBC.

Bike Accident Compensation
During the same period, cyclists have actually cycled less miles in the UK.

Don’t Be Afraid to Make a Bicycle Accident Compensation Claim

Despite those statistics, the fact that so many cyclists are injured each year is still inexcusable. And the fact that so many of them are aware that they can claim for cycling accident compensation is something that we are trying to change.

Cycling Accident Compensation

One well-renowned website in the cycling profession actually discovered that cyclists had a fear of claiming for compensation because of misinformation they have read on the Internet. People on popular cycling forums perpetuate the myth that because cyclists don’t have road insurance like car drivers that this somehow means they cannot apply for cycling accident compensation.

Don’t believe it.

You will actually be surprised how easy it is to get compensation.  The reason is that car drivers who are liable for your accident as a third party, will be able to claim for your injuries against their own insurance.  If you were not at fault, then you are 100% entitled to claim for bicycle injury compensation – and with our help and assistance you can have the money in your bank account in quick time.

Don’t Trust Cycling Accident Compensation Calculator Websites

Don’t bother using any of those fancy cycling accident compensation calculator websites that you see on the Internet – they don’t work.  Unless you have spoken to a specialist then you will have no way of knowing what you might be owed.  Those online calculators will probably return an amount far lower than you will actually get so don’t let them put you off in applying for bike accident compensation – call us now.

Cycling Accident Compensation Case Studies

Here is a small selection of real life cases where we have helped cyclists to claim for damages and injuries sustained whilst out on the road. These are just a sample, accidents can occur in any place, at any time, in any manner so no matter how your incident occurred make sure to speak to us for free guidance.

Case #1 – Security Guard Injured Whilst on Patrol

The solicitors and lawyers that Accident Claims UK work with have covered many cases, and one which sticks in the mind from most recent cases was that of a security guard who made a personal injury compensation claim for an accident.

His employers had given him a bicycle to patrol the industrial estate that he worked on. Whilst he was riding along, the brakes malfunctioned resulting in a locking of the front wheel. He was catapulted over the front handlebars and landed very badly on his back.

After our accident investigation was complete, it turned out that the brakes were faulty due to not being maintained correctly by his employer. We successfully worked on this case, with the result of him being awarded a large sum for his injuries. Without our help he would not have been able to claim for cycling and bicycle accident compensation. He is now fully recovered and has a new job.

Case #2 – Cyclist Hurt by Driver at Busy Junction

We recently completed a claims case which is very common due to the circumstances. Our client was cycling along a bury road in Central London when a car driver pulled out quickly from a junction. The cyclist hit the side of the car and was thrown over the bonnet. He suffered with bruising and cuts to his face, as well as injuries to his left knee which left him unable to work for three weeks.

We contacted the insurance company of the driver, and the third party accepted full liability for the accident and made what we believed to be a derisory offer of £500 for the accident. We didn’t believe that this was a fair representation of compensation for the injuries and damage to the bike so we took this case to court. The court’s judge awarded over £2000 in damages and bike injury and accident compensation to the cyclist.

Case #3 – Cyclist Loses an Arm in Collision With a Lorry

In one of the more serious compensation cases that we have had to deal with, a cyclist that our solicitors represented lost an arm due to an accident with a lorry. The articulated vehicle didn’t see the cyclist as it was going around a roundabout and ended up colliding with our client who was dragged underneath the lorry.

Due to the serious nature of the injury, plus the rehabilitation time and care required, our lawyers managed to claim nearly £500,000 in cycling accident compensation for our client.

Evidently not all of the accidents that we deal with are this serious, as accidents can range from minor damage to a bicycle up to serious injuries to a cyclist. However, just because the accident didn’t result in serious damage or injury does not mean that there isn’t a compensation amount that can be claimed for.

Make Sure You Call Us Now

If you have been affected or injured in an accident then please do contact us using the Freephone telephone number that you will see at the top of the page, or complete our no win no fee* claims for an instant no-obligation call back.

Supporting the National Cycling Charity

At the Accident Claims UK we believe that raising awareness of the risks that cyclists have to endure each and every day on the roads is paramount to improving road safety statistics.

We are happy to recommend the work of the National Cycling Charity who are currently running campaigns for road justice, action on lorries, and many more fantastic high profile ideas to help improve on road safety. Please visit them on their website below for more information, to make a donation, or to get involved.

Contact Our Accident Claim Specialists Today

Call us on 01252354433^ to discuss your personal injury claim, or if you would like to contact Accident Claims UK online, please complete our enquiry form. We’re here to help.

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